Louisville, Kentucky is a great city that provides opportunities to discover, experience, and explore the arts. But what happens after you’ve discovered and explored? Is there a next level for our young talent? ACT Louisville Productions is that next step. Through this program, ALP will provide opportunities and access to training while setting the bar high.

Training with Professionals
What makes ACT Louisville Productions different? Our focus. We give the talented youth in our community opportunities to train with the best — top talent & working professionals in the theatre and entertainment industry. It is our goal to offer a level of performance training that is incomparable and right here in our Louisville community.
Access & Opportunity
ALP is committed to providing opportunities to young talent who may not otherwise have access to this training. Our mission is to bring the arts to the community, as opposed to using the traditional methods of theatrical casting. ALP will hold auditions at multiple community centers throughout the Metro Louisville area. During the audition process, if ALP leadership sees outstanding talent that would benefit from additional training, that talent will be awarded scholarships on sight to the ALP camps. Up to 10 scholarships will be awarded for the 2021 season.


Beth Craig Hall

Randy Blevins

Ja'Naye Flannagan
Associate Producer